Economy of Italy and Public Debt
ECB's "One Size Fits Germany" Policy; Portugal 10-Yr Debt at Record Yield; Greece, Ireland Near Highs; 3 Hikes by Year End? Rate Hikes to Stress PIIGS
Public Debt
Economy of Italy - wiki
Italy Govt Bonds 10 Year Gross Yield
Italy - National Statistical Data
neděle 13. listopadu 2011
pondělí 7. listopadu 2011
Prepare Portfolio for a Greek Default
Prepare Your Portfolio for a Greek Default
How Close is Now Greek Default
How to prepare your portfolio ahead of potential Greece Default
Understanding the Impact of a Greek Default on Your Portfolio
Warning: Prepare Your Portfolio for a Greek Default NOW
Get Ready For A Greek Default
Banks prepare for Greek default, want EU help
Euro-Zone Prepares to Print Trillions in Advance of Greece Debt Default
How Close is Now Greek Default
How to prepare your portfolio ahead of potential Greece Default
Understanding the Impact of a Greek Default on Your Portfolio
Warning: Prepare Your Portfolio for a Greek Default NOW
Get Ready For A Greek Default
Banks prepare for Greek default, want EU help
Euro-Zone Prepares to Print Trillions in Advance of Greece Debt Default
neděle 30. října 2011
How Not To Lose All Your Money With A Managed Forex Account
How Not To Lose All Your Money With A Managed Forex Account
How Not To Lose All Your Money With A Managed Forex Account
by Pharaoh
Managed forex accounts present a decent opportunity for those who don’t have the time to learn how to trade forex or enough time to actually trade their own forex account to still make some profits from the forex market. They also open up investors to the triple threat of scam, incompetence, and bad brokers.
The first problem is that there are plenty of managed account scams out there. In some ways, these are much worse than forex broker scams or forex product scams. Managed account scammers usually try to get victims to invest as much money as possible, even their entire life savings. Sometimes they suggest taking out a mortgage on the victim’s house or securing other loans so that even more money can be invested. Falling for this kind of scam can ruin your entire life. As if this wasn’t bad enough, even a legitimate forex account manager can still wipe out your account through incompetence.
To avoid the most common managed account scams, you first must learn to differentiate between a normal managed forex account and a pooled account. In a normal managed forex account, the account is in your name, and the money goes from you to your forex broker. In a pooled account, you send your money to the account manager who is then supposed to pool the money from various clients into a trading account that the account manager controls.
Although there are legitimate pooled accounts under management, pooled accounts are MUCH more susceptible to fraud. Anyone with a computer can create fake account statements. With a pooled account, you can’t ever be sure where your money is. Many of these types of accounts guarantee a large monthly return on investment. There is no such thing as a true guaranteed high percentage return on investment in forex, and anyone offering one is 98% likely to be a fraud. The other 2% of the time, the person is merely an over-enthusiastic idiot. Either way, kiss your money goodbye.
But wait! You have a friend who invested and has been getting checks for the guaranteed 10% monthly return on their investment every month for over a year now. It must be legitimate.
I’m sorry, but what you’ve just described is almost guaranteed to be Ponzi scheme, named after the very infamous Charles Ponzi. It works like this: ...
forex managed
UK Legislation?
goforex Managed Forex Accounts
UK based Forex Managed Accounts
i2f Managed Forex Accounts
Forex Manager - Managed Investment Accounts - 3 Yrs 100%+pa LIVE Records
forex manager
Forex Portfolios Management Ltd
Your Questions About Managed Account Forex
Investing - Forex Managed Accounts - Canada
How Not To Lose All Your Money With A Managed Forex Account
by Pharaoh
Managed forex accounts present a decent opportunity for those who don’t have the time to learn how to trade forex or enough time to actually trade their own forex account to still make some profits from the forex market. They also open up investors to the triple threat of scam, incompetence, and bad brokers.
The first problem is that there are plenty of managed account scams out there. In some ways, these are much worse than forex broker scams or forex product scams. Managed account scammers usually try to get victims to invest as much money as possible, even their entire life savings. Sometimes they suggest taking out a mortgage on the victim’s house or securing other loans so that even more money can be invested. Falling for this kind of scam can ruin your entire life. As if this wasn’t bad enough, even a legitimate forex account manager can still wipe out your account through incompetence.
To avoid the most common managed account scams, you first must learn to differentiate between a normal managed forex account and a pooled account. In a normal managed forex account, the account is in your name, and the money goes from you to your forex broker. In a pooled account, you send your money to the account manager who is then supposed to pool the money from various clients into a trading account that the account manager controls.
Although there are legitimate pooled accounts under management, pooled accounts are MUCH more susceptible to fraud. Anyone with a computer can create fake account statements. With a pooled account, you can’t ever be sure where your money is. Many of these types of accounts guarantee a large monthly return on investment. There is no such thing as a true guaranteed high percentage return on investment in forex, and anyone offering one is 98% likely to be a fraud. The other 2% of the time, the person is merely an over-enthusiastic idiot. Either way, kiss your money goodbye.
But wait! You have a friend who invested and has been getting checks for the guaranteed 10% monthly return on their investment every month for over a year now. It must be legitimate.
I’m sorry, but what you’ve just described is almost guaranteed to be Ponzi scheme, named after the very infamous Charles Ponzi. It works like this: ...
forex managed
UK Legislation?
goforex Managed Forex Accounts
UK based Forex Managed Accounts
i2f Managed Forex Accounts
Forex Manager - Managed Investment Accounts - 3 Yrs 100%+pa LIVE Records
forex manager
Forex Portfolios Management Ltd
Your Questions About Managed Account Forex
Investing - Forex Managed Accounts - Canada
pátek 1. července 2011
Adapting position size to volatility
Autoadaptivní obchodní strategie (1/2)
Co jsou to autoadaptivní strategie?
Nejprve se koukněme na skutečnost, proč se vůbec autoadaptivními strategiemi zabývat. Hlavní myšlenka vychází ze skutečnosti, že se trhy neustále dynamicky mění a vyvíjí a to v mnoha ohledech. Jako základní atribut neustálé změny můžeme vzít například volatilitu. Zažíváme měsíce / dny / hodiny, kdy jsou trhy velmi volatilní (tj. vytvářejí výrazné pohyby) a naopak kdy je volatilita minimální (trhy jsou "mrtvé", tvoří malé pohyby, potenciál vydělat je značně menší). Autoadaptivní strategie se snaží na takové situace reagovat a měnit parametry strategie tak, aby lépe "pasovaly" na aktuální charakter trhu.
Jako nejjednodušší model autoadaptivní strategie si například můžeme představit určitý jednoduchý algoritmus, který by neustále sledoval aktuální volatilitu a dle toho automaticky měnil hodnoty stop-lossů a profit-targetů. Je jasné, že ve velmi volatilních trzích je třeba náš stop-loss i profit-target zvětšit, v méně volatilních naopak adekvátně zmenšit, případně zvýšit počet kontraktů (abychom stále mohli vydělávat rozumné peníze, i když se trhy hýbou méně, než obvykle). Svým způsobem se za naprosto základní autoadaptivní strategii dá počítat už to, že své stop-lossy a profit-targety (ale i počet obchodovaných kontraktů) budete vypočítávat s pomocí nejjednoduššího indikátoru volatility ATR (Average True Range). Můžeme si například říci, že náš stop-loss bude vždy 20x větší, než aktuální hodnota ATR v momentě vstupu... více
Autoadaptivní obchodní strategie (2/2)
Martine, jak bys definoval pojem „autoadaptivní mechanická strategie“? Co je výhodou „autoadaptivní strategie“?
Zdravím čtenáře Finančníka. Už se zde nedávno psalo o tzv. walk-forward optimalizaci systému, kdy opakovaně, v několika krocích, optimalizujeme data na určitém vzorku dat a následně ověřujeme na tzv. out of sample datech, která systém při optimalizaci „neviděl“.
Auto-adaptivní strategie pracují na velmi podobném principu s tím, že tento adaptivní proces je již součástí systému. Tak jak přicházejí data, resp. interval dat, tak se systém bez zásahu uživatele sám autoadaptuje pro generaci vstupních či výstupních signálů pro příchozí úsečk... více
Trading a genetické algoritmy - otázky a odpovědi
Genetické algoritmy: K čemu jsou pro trading dobré?
AdaptradeBuilder 1.2 - nejrychlejší dostupný návrhář strategií současnosti
Adaptrade Builder - jak může vypadat genetické generování obchodních systémů II?
Adapting position size to volatility
Change the way you Build Trading Strategies
Molanis Strategy Builder for MT4 - Strategy Builder Overview
Co jsou to autoadaptivní strategie?
Nejprve se koukněme na skutečnost, proč se vůbec autoadaptivními strategiemi zabývat. Hlavní myšlenka vychází ze skutečnosti, že se trhy neustále dynamicky mění a vyvíjí a to v mnoha ohledech. Jako základní atribut neustálé změny můžeme vzít například volatilitu. Zažíváme měsíce / dny / hodiny, kdy jsou trhy velmi volatilní (tj. vytvářejí výrazné pohyby) a naopak kdy je volatilita minimální (trhy jsou "mrtvé", tvoří malé pohyby, potenciál vydělat je značně menší). Autoadaptivní strategie se snaží na takové situace reagovat a měnit parametry strategie tak, aby lépe "pasovaly" na aktuální charakter trhu.
Jako nejjednodušší model autoadaptivní strategie si například můžeme představit určitý jednoduchý algoritmus, který by neustále sledoval aktuální volatilitu a dle toho automaticky měnil hodnoty stop-lossů a profit-targetů. Je jasné, že ve velmi volatilních trzích je třeba náš stop-loss i profit-target zvětšit, v méně volatilních naopak adekvátně zmenšit, případně zvýšit počet kontraktů (abychom stále mohli vydělávat rozumné peníze, i když se trhy hýbou méně, než obvykle). Svým způsobem se za naprosto základní autoadaptivní strategii dá počítat už to, že své stop-lossy a profit-targety (ale i počet obchodovaných kontraktů) budete vypočítávat s pomocí nejjednoduššího indikátoru volatility ATR (Average True Range). Můžeme si například říci, že náš stop-loss bude vždy 20x větší, než aktuální hodnota ATR v momentě vstupu... více
Autoadaptivní obchodní strategie (2/2)
Martine, jak bys definoval pojem „autoadaptivní mechanická strategie“? Co je výhodou „autoadaptivní strategie“?
Zdravím čtenáře Finančníka. Už se zde nedávno psalo o tzv. walk-forward optimalizaci systému, kdy opakovaně, v několika krocích, optimalizujeme data na určitém vzorku dat a následně ověřujeme na tzv. out of sample datech, která systém při optimalizaci „neviděl“.
Auto-adaptivní strategie pracují na velmi podobném principu s tím, že tento adaptivní proces je již součástí systému. Tak jak přicházejí data, resp. interval dat, tak se systém bez zásahu uživatele sám autoadaptuje pro generaci vstupních či výstupních signálů pro příchozí úsečk... více
Trading a genetické algoritmy - otázky a odpovědi
Genetické algoritmy: K čemu jsou pro trading dobré?
AdaptradeBuilder 1.2 - nejrychlejší dostupný návrhář strategií současnosti
Adaptrade Builder - jak může vypadat genetické generování obchodních systémů II?
Adapting position size to volatility
Change the way you Build Trading Strategies
Molanis Strategy Builder for MT4 - Strategy Builder Overview
Co je vlastně forex?
čtvrtek 30. června 2011
sobota 11. června 2011
Testing Features and Limits in MetaTrader 4
Testing Features and Limits in MetaTrader 4
This article allows to find out more about features and limits of Strategy Tester in MetaTrader 4.
Special Features of Testing Strategies on History Data
Some functions are processed/passed without output
These are Sleep(), Alert(), SendMail(), PlaySound(), MessageBox(), WindowFind(), WindowHandle(), WindowIsVisible()
Trading is permitted for the symbol under test only, no portfolio testing
Attempts to trade using another symbol will return error
Lot sizes including initial size and increment step, commissions and swaps should be taken from the active account settings
Before testing, it is necessary to make sure that there is at least one activated account in the list in "Navigator" window of the terminal.
All swaps, margin requirements, expirations, GTC-orders are modeled
Testing is performed maximally closely to trading server conditions. But the can occur some inaccuracies in estimation of margin requirements on cross currencies because of lack of precise information about conversion prices at each moment.
Zero bar of another timeframe for the same symbol under test is modeled approximately
Open = correct Open, Close = correct Close, Low = min (Open,Close), High = max (Open,Close), Volume = final Volume (false)
Instant Execution mode is assumed to be used in trades, being processed without slippage
Processing orders, Open/Close without slippages
Testing stops after StopOut
Weekly, monthly, and irregular timeframes are not tested
The deposit currency can be changed, but conversion prices are set, and the current available ones are used
There are still no delays in execution of trade operations
A setup delay is planned to be introduced in processing of transactions
Account History is fully available, and it does not depend on settings
If other symbols and periods are actively used, it is desirable to download them to all possible depth
At every-tick modeling, tester pumps all necessary timeframes for the symbol under test independently
Using of MarketInfo function generates error ERR_FUNCTION_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_TESTING_MODE(4059), however, correct information about current prices for the symbol under test, about stop level dimensions, about point size, about spread size of any symbol being present in the quotes window is provided.
Special Features of Optimization Process
Nothing is output in the journal (either Print() function)
This was done in order to accelerate the testing and save disk space. If complete logs are output the journal files will need hundreds of MByte.
Draw objects are not really set
The objects are disabled in order to accelerate the testing.
"Skip useless results" function is used
In order not to garble the table and chart with testing results, the possibility to skip very bad results is used. This function can be enabled in context menu of "Optimization Results" -> "Skip useless results" tab.
Strategy Tester: Modes of Modeling during Testing
What the Numbers in the Expert Testing Report Mean
One-Minute Data Modelling Quality Rating
Break Through The Strategy Tester Limit On Testing Hedge EA
Testing Visualization: Trade History
Automated Optimization of a Trading Robot in Real Trading
This article allows to find out more about features and limits of Strategy Tester in MetaTrader 4.
Special Features of Testing Strategies on History Data
Some functions are processed/passed without output
These are Sleep(), Alert(), SendMail(), PlaySound(), MessageBox(), WindowFind(), WindowHandle(), WindowIsVisible()
Trading is permitted for the symbol under test only, no portfolio testing
Attempts to trade using another symbol will return error
Lot sizes including initial size and increment step, commissions and swaps should be taken from the active account settings
Before testing, it is necessary to make sure that there is at least one activated account in the list in "Navigator" window of the terminal.
All swaps, margin requirements, expirations, GTC-orders are modeled
Testing is performed maximally closely to trading server conditions. But the can occur some inaccuracies in estimation of margin requirements on cross currencies because of lack of precise information about conversion prices at each moment.
Zero bar of another timeframe for the same symbol under test is modeled approximately
Open = correct Open, Close = correct Close, Low = min (Open,Close), High = max (Open,Close), Volume = final Volume (false)
Instant Execution mode is assumed to be used in trades, being processed without slippage
Processing orders, Open/Close without slippages
Testing stops after StopOut
Weekly, monthly, and irregular timeframes are not tested
The deposit currency can be changed, but conversion prices are set, and the current available ones are used
There are still no delays in execution of trade operations
A setup delay is planned to be introduced in processing of transactions
Account History is fully available, and it does not depend on settings
If other symbols and periods are actively used, it is desirable to download them to all possible depth
At every-tick modeling, tester pumps all necessary timeframes for the symbol under test independently
Using of MarketInfo function generates error ERR_FUNCTION_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_TESTING_MODE(4059), however, correct information about current prices for the symbol under test, about stop level dimensions, about point size, about spread size of any symbol being present in the quotes window is provided.
Special Features of Optimization Process
Nothing is output in the journal (either Print() function)
This was done in order to accelerate the testing and save disk space. If complete logs are output the journal files will need hundreds of MByte.
Draw objects are not really set
The objects are disabled in order to accelerate the testing.
"Skip useless results" function is used
In order not to garble the table and chart with testing results, the possibility to skip very bad results is used. This function can be enabled in context menu of "Optimization Results" -> "Skip useless results" tab.
Strategy Tester: Modes of Modeling during Testing
What the Numbers in the Expert Testing Report Mean
One-Minute Data Modelling Quality Rating
Break Through The Strategy Tester Limit On Testing Hedge EA
Testing Visualization: Trade History
Automated Optimization of a Trading Robot in Real Trading
pátek 10. června 2011
Backtesting v MetaTrader 4
Backtesting v MetaTrader 4
Zavřít MT před zavřením pozavírej všechny grafy a smazat vše z adresáře MT4/History/adresář brokera
Potom stáhnout 1M data např z alpari
Otevřít MT - Tools – Option – Charts – Max bars in history = 99999999999999, Max bars in chart = 99999999999999
V MT: Tools → History center a do příslušného páru naimportovat data z alpari
V MT: File – Open Offline – vyber timeframe, který jsi právě naimportoval
Otevře se ti graf, přetáhni na něj z Script → Period Converter a v inputs zvol periodu v minutách postupně až po nejvyšší timeframe, které chceš testovat
Tzn. Pokud chceš testovat systém na 1H přetáhneš poprvé period converter a dáš periodu 5, pak ho přetáhneš znovu a dáš periodu 15, pak zase znovu a dáš 30 a nakonec 60. Tím se ti vygenerují všechny ostatní timeframe, nižší timeframe potřebuješ pro správné dopočítávání. POZN: před dalším přetažením period conv. si zkontroluj, že ten předešlý doběhl, to uvidíš dole, v záložce expert se píše něco jako Total writen records …. Nebo nějak tak. Pak teprve přetáhni period conv. Dřiv ne.
Pak už jen stačí otevřít backtester a začít testovat, ovšem po každém novém importu nezapomeň zaškrtnout recalculate.
- pokud je zdrojový soubor (tedy ten s příponou *.mq4) umístěn v adresáři experts i přeložený (zkompilovaný) soubor tam není, nedělá to nic (žádné výsledky), přestože v roletce Strategy Testeru je název EA zobrazen
- v adresáři Experts tedy musí být soubory dva - se stejným názvem a různou příponou. např. MACDsample.mq4 a současně i MACDsample.ex4
- pokud tam nejsou, může to být tím, že se spouští Metaeditor samostatně. Pak ukládá na adresu, ze které byl spuštěn, dokud to není změněno příkazem File>Save as>Název adresáře
- takže poučení: vyplatí se zkontrolovat, kam Metaeditor ukládá přeložené (zkompilované) soubory - předejde se tím podobným překvapením
Zavřít MT před zavřením pozavírej všechny grafy a smazat vše z adresáře MT4/History/adresář brokera
Potom stáhnout 1M data např z alpari
Otevřít MT - Tools – Option – Charts – Max bars in history = 99999999999999, Max bars in chart = 99999999999999
V MT: Tools → History center a do příslušného páru naimportovat data z alpari
V MT: File – Open Offline – vyber timeframe, který jsi právě naimportoval
Otevře se ti graf, přetáhni na něj z Script → Period Converter a v inputs zvol periodu v minutách postupně až po nejvyšší timeframe, které chceš testovat
Tzn. Pokud chceš testovat systém na 1H přetáhneš poprvé period converter a dáš periodu 5, pak ho přetáhneš znovu a dáš periodu 15, pak zase znovu a dáš 30 a nakonec 60. Tím se ti vygenerují všechny ostatní timeframe, nižší timeframe potřebuješ pro správné dopočítávání. POZN: před dalším přetažením period conv. si zkontroluj, že ten předešlý doběhl, to uvidíš dole, v záložce expert se píše něco jako Total writen records …. Nebo nějak tak. Pak teprve přetáhni period conv. Dřiv ne.
Pak už jen stačí otevřít backtester a začít testovat, ovšem po každém novém importu nezapomeň zaškrtnout recalculate.
- pokud je zdrojový soubor (tedy ten s příponou *.mq4) umístěn v adresáři experts i přeložený (zkompilovaný) soubor tam není, nedělá to nic (žádné výsledky), přestože v roletce Strategy Testeru je název EA zobrazen
- v adresáři Experts tedy musí být soubory dva - se stejným názvem a různou příponou. např. MACDsample.mq4 a současně i MACDsample.ex4
- pokud tam nejsou, může to být tím, že se spouští Metaeditor samostatně. Pak ukládá na adresu, ze které byl spuštěn, dokud to není změněno příkazem File>Save as>Název adresáře
- takže poučení: vyplatí se zkontrolovat, kam Metaeditor ukládá přeložené (zkompilované) soubory - předejde se tím podobným překvapením
pondělí 23. května 2011
Free VPS hosting from Forex brokers
pátek 20. května 2011
Forex Regulation
Forex Regulation
Forex Regulation
List of Forex regulatory & supervisory bodies for each country
Forex regulation
New CFTC Forex Regulations Unpopular, but Worthwhile
How the new Forex Regulations Will Change Your Forex Trading –
Main Regulatory Organizations - Forex Regulation Agencies - NFA, CFTC etc.
Forex Regulation
List of Forex regulatory & supervisory bodies for each country
Forex regulation
New CFTC Forex Regulations Unpopular, but Worthwhile
How the new Forex Regulations Will Change Your Forex Trading –
Main Regulatory Organizations - Forex Regulation Agencies - NFA, CFTC etc.
sobota 7. května 2011
Ichimoku Kinko Hyo buying and selling signals
Ichimoku Kinko Hyo buying and selling signals
Ichimoku Kinko Hyo
Ichimoku Kinko Hyo Technical Indicator is predefined to characterize the market Trend, Support and Resistance Levels, and to generate signals of buying and selling. This indicator works best at weekly and daily charts.
When defining the dimension of parameters, four time intervals of different length are used. The values of individual lines composing this indicator are based on these intervals:
Tenkan-sen shows the average price value during the first time interval defined as the sum of maximum and minimum within this time, divided by two;
Kijun-sen shows the average price value during the second time interval;
Senkou Span A shows the middle of the distance between two previous lines shifted forwards by the value of the second time interval;
Senkou Span B shows the average price value during the third time interval shifted forwards by the value of the second time interval.
Chinkou Span shows the closing price of the current candle shifted backwards by the value of the second time interval.
Ichimoku Kinko Hyo
Ichimoku Kinko Hyo Technical Indicator is predefined to characterize the market Trend, Support and Resistance Levels, and to generate signals of buying and selling. This indicator works best at weekly and daily charts.
When defining the dimension of parameters, four time intervals of different length are used. The values of individual lines composing this indicator are based on these intervals:
Tenkan-sen shows the average price value during the first time interval defined as the sum of maximum and minimum within this time, divided by two;
Kijun-sen shows the average price value during the second time interval;
Senkou Span A shows the middle of the distance between two previous lines shifted forwards by the value of the second time interval;
Senkou Span B shows the average price value during the third time interval shifted forwards by the value of the second time interval.
Chinkou Span shows the closing price of the current candle shifted backwards by the value of the second time interval.
neděle 17. dubna 2011
Strategie Forex
- pochopit detailně svíčky
- aplikovat fibonachi
- seznámit se s obrazci - trojuhelniky
- trendové čáry - využívat v praxi
- fundamenty - prohlédnout před každým vstupem do obchodu
úterý 29. března 2011
Expert Builder - system
Expert Builder system
Vytvořte si jednoduše automatické strategie - Expert Builder
Postup tvorby automatického obchodního systému
Logické podmínky v programu XTB Expert Builder
Tvorba konkrétního automatického systému
Vladimír Holovka
Molanis Strategy Builder for MetaTrader 4
Molanis Strategy Builder for MetaTrader 5
Left / right value and logical operators
Logical operator is the operator which compares the left value with the right value.
'=': This means 'When the left value is equal to the right value'
'<>': This means 'When the left value isn't equal to the right value'
'<': This means 'When the left value is less than the right value' '>': This means 'When the left value is greater than the right value'
'<=': This means 'When the left value is equal to / less than the right value' '>=': This means 'When the left value is equal to / greater than the right value'
Overview of the Logical Operators
Logická funkce
Truth table - Pravdivostní tabulka
Vytvořte si jednoduše automatické strategie - Expert Builder
Postup tvorby automatického obchodního systému
Logické podmínky v programu XTB Expert Builder
Tvorba konkrétního automatického systému
Vladimír Holovka
Molanis Strategy Builder for MetaTrader 4
Molanis Strategy Builder for MetaTrader 5
Left / right value and logical operators
Logical operator is the operator which compares the left value with the right value.
'=': This means 'When the left value is equal to the right value'
'<>': This means 'When the left value isn't equal to the right value'
'<': This means 'When the left value is less than the right value' '>': This means 'When the left value is greater than the right value'
'<=': This means 'When the left value is equal to / less than the right value' '>=': This means 'When the left value is equal to / greater than the right value'
Overview of the Logical Operators
Logická funkce
Truth table - Pravdivostní tabulka
pátek 18. března 2011
Back test SysFX
1. měnové páry pro testování EUR/USD; USD/JPY; EUR/JPY; GBP/USD
• později USD/CAD, NZD/…., AUD/…
2. Počátek sledovacího období 1.1.2011
3. časový rámec H1 + hodinový graf SysFX
4. časový rámec H4 + denní graf SysFX
5. (časový rámec H1 + denní graf SysFX) alternativa
6. Zapisovat datum vstupu a výstupu z obchodu
7. Parametry pro zápis signálů
Verze A – vstupování podle šipek
• Vstup do obchodu – velká zelená/červená šipka
• výstup z obchodu – velká zelená/červená šipka
o nebo
• výstup z obchodu – zelený palec pro červenou šipku; červený palec pro zelenou šipku
• Zapisovat hodnoty OPEN u následující svíčky a hodnoty palců pro vstup/výstup u následující svíčky
• Budeme brat v úvahu pouze šipky s označené VSTUP
Verze B – vstupování podle trendů
• Vstup do obchodu - velká zelená/červená šipka + soulad krátkodobého a dlouhodobého trendu!!
• Zapisovat hodnoty CLOSE svíček pro vstup
• výstup z obchodu – velká zelená/červená šipka
o nebo
• výstup z obchodu – zelený palec pro červenou šipku; červený palec pro zelenou šipku
• Zapisovat hodnoty Value u šipek a palců pro výstup
1. měnové páry pro testování EUR/USD; USD/JPY; EUR/JPY; GBP/USD
• později USD/CAD, NZD/…., AUD/…
2. Počátek sledovacího období 1.1.2011
3. časový rámec H1 + hodinový graf SysFX
4. časový rámec H4 + denní graf SysFX
5. (časový rámec H1 + denní graf SysFX) alternativa
6. Zapisovat datum vstupu a výstupu z obchodu
7. Parametry pro zápis signálů
Verze A – vstupování podle šipek
• Vstup do obchodu – velká zelená/červená šipka
• výstup z obchodu – velká zelená/červená šipka
o nebo
• výstup z obchodu – zelený palec pro červenou šipku; červený palec pro zelenou šipku
• Zapisovat hodnoty OPEN u následující svíčky a hodnoty palců pro vstup/výstup u následující svíčky
• Budeme brat v úvahu pouze šipky s označené VSTUP
Verze B – vstupování podle trendů
• Vstup do obchodu - velká zelená/červená šipka + soulad krátkodobého a dlouhodobého trendu!!
• Zapisovat hodnoty CLOSE svíček pro vstup
• výstup z obchodu – velká zelená/červená šipka
o nebo
• výstup z obchodu – zelený palec pro červenou šipku; červený palec pro zelenou šipku
• Zapisovat hodnoty Value u šipek a palců pro výstup
pondělí 28. února 2011
Correlation table Diversification in Forex
Correlation table Diversification in Forex
Correlation table - MATAF
What is the correlation between American stock prices and the value of the U.S. dollar?
Forex Trading Myth #2 - Diversification Reduces Risk
Why Diversification is so Important in Forex Trading
Diversification in Trading : Six Important Aspects to Take Into Account
Forex Correlation Heatmap and Correlation Table
•a reciprocal relation between two or more things
•correlation coefficient: a statistic representing how closely two variables co-vary; it can vary from -1 (perfect negative correlation) through 0 (no correlation) to +1 (perfect positive correlation); "what is the correlation between those two variables?"
•a statistical relation between two or more variables such that systematic changes in the value of one variable are accompanied by systematic changes in the other
Korelace (z lat.) znamená vzájemný vztah mezi dvěma procesy nebo veličinami. Pokud se jedna z nich mění, mění se korelativně i druhá a naopak. Pokud se mezi dvěma procesy ukáže korelace, je pravděpodobné, že na sobě závisejí, nelze z toho však ještě usoudit, že by jeden z nich musel být příčinou a druhý následkem
Korelace měn
Vzájemná korelace měnových párů
Měnové páry a jejich vzájemná korelace s ostatními trhy
Currency Correlations Table
Široký pohled na vzájemné korelace
I divide it into 2 parts & I will give you 2 pairs as example:
-high volatility (if you are impatient or if you don't have a lot of time to trade)
-low volatility (if you want to lower risk)
High volatility pairs: GBP/USD & EUR USD
Low volatility pairs: USD/JPY & EURGBP
What currency pairs to begin your trade in forex
Easiest Currency Pair to Trade
What currency pairs to trade in Forex?
There Are Some Advices How To Choose Currency Pair To Trade On Forex.
Correlation table - MATAF
What is the correlation between American stock prices and the value of the U.S. dollar?
Forex Trading Myth #2 - Diversification Reduces Risk
Why Diversification is so Important in Forex Trading
Diversification in Trading : Six Important Aspects to Take Into Account
Forex Correlation Heatmap and Correlation Table
•a reciprocal relation between two or more things
•correlation coefficient: a statistic representing how closely two variables co-vary; it can vary from -1 (perfect negative correlation) through 0 (no correlation) to +1 (perfect positive correlation); "what is the correlation between those two variables?"
•a statistical relation between two or more variables such that systematic changes in the value of one variable are accompanied by systematic changes in the other
Korelace (z lat.) znamená vzájemný vztah mezi dvěma procesy nebo veličinami. Pokud se jedna z nich mění, mění se korelativně i druhá a naopak. Pokud se mezi dvěma procesy ukáže korelace, je pravděpodobné, že na sobě závisejí, nelze z toho však ještě usoudit, že by jeden z nich musel být příčinou a druhý následkem
Korelace měn
Vzájemná korelace měnových párů
Měnové páry a jejich vzájemná korelace s ostatními trhy
Currency Correlations Table
Široký pohled na vzájemné korelace
I divide it into 2 parts & I will give you 2 pairs as example:
-high volatility (if you are impatient or if you don't have a lot of time to trade)
-low volatility (if you want to lower risk)
High volatility pairs: GBP/USD & EUR USD
Low volatility pairs: USD/JPY & EURGBP
What currency pairs to begin your trade in forex
Easiest Currency Pair to Trade
What currency pairs to trade in Forex?
There Are Some Advices How To Choose Currency Pair To Trade On Forex.
Reward to risk ratios - poměr mezi riskem a ziskem
Reward to risk ratios - poměr mezi riskem a ziskem
2. Returning the lost capital is harder that it seems to
Jak na RRR v intradenním obchodování
Publish Post
2. Returning the lost capital is harder that it seems to
Jak na RRR v intradenním obchodování
Publish Post
How to trade MT4 from Android
How to trade MT4 from Android
Android MetaTrader - Mobile Trading (Forex/Futures,CFDs) On The Phone
Android MetaTrader - Mobile Trading (Forex/Futures,CFDs) On The Phone
Metatrader 4 Remot for Android
But be careful to trade currencies from mobile devices
But be carefull to trade throw unknown platform
But be careful to trade currencies from mobile devices
But be carefull to trade throw unknown platform
pátek 25. února 2011
trading forex with mobile device
neděle 20. února 2011
Forex Trading Strategy
Forex Trading Strategy
Forex Trading Strategy Building and Planning
Trading Strategy
Stock Trading
Money Management
Stop Loss Orders
Trading Traps
Trading Psychology
Trading Education
Trading Basics
Forex Trading Strategies – 3 Tips to Build a Constantly Profitable Trading Strategy
Forex Trading Strategy Building and Planning
Trading Strategy
Stock Trading
Money Management
Stop Loss Orders
Trading Traps
Trading Psychology
Trading Education
Trading Basics
Forex Trading Strategies – 3 Tips to Build a Constantly Profitable Trading Strategy
čtvrtek 17. února 2011
Forex pivot levels - Custom pivot calculator
Forex pivot levels - Custom pivot calculator
Forex pivot levels
Custom pivot calculator

Dukascopy. ECN forex broker offers best spreads, highest liquidity and marketplace for on-line forex trading.
Forex pivot levels
Custom pivot calculator
Dukascopy. ECN forex broker offers best spreads, highest liquidity and marketplace for on-line forex trading.
How to choose a Forex broker?
How to choose a Forex broker?
Review Forex Demo Accounts The Good Bad and Ugly
If you’re looking for forex DEMO account that can only mean one thing: You can hardly hold your horses to get started in Forex, so let me welcome you to the most fluid market on Earth...
The most recent and regularly updated Forex spreads comparison table.
10 Questions to ask your broker
To read more about local regulations we recommend tis articles.
Forex Broker UK
Forex Broker Canada
Forex Broker New Zealand
Forex Broker Australia
Forex Broker Hong Kong
Forex Broker India
Forex Broker Israel
Forex Broker Malaysia
Forex Broker Pakistan
Forex Broker Philippines
Forex Broker Singapore
Forex Broker South Africa
Best Free Forex Trading Demo Accounts Review
Review Forex Demo Accounts The Good Bad and Ugly
If you’re looking for forex DEMO account that can only mean one thing: You can hardly hold your horses to get started in Forex, so let me welcome you to the most fluid market on Earth...
The most recent and regularly updated Forex spreads comparison table.
10 Questions to ask your broker
To read more about local regulations we recommend tis articles.
Forex Broker UK
Forex Broker Canada
Forex Broker New Zealand
Forex Broker Australia
Forex Broker Hong Kong
Forex Broker India
Forex Broker Israel
Forex Broker Malaysia
Forex Broker Pakistan
Forex Broker Philippines
Forex Broker Singapore
Forex Broker South Africa
Best Free Forex Trading Demo Accounts Review
úterý 15. února 2011
úterý 8. února 2011
Forex Rates Spread
Forex Rates Spread
Hedging under new NFA regulation: FIFO (first-in, first-out) rule
Oanda Forex Spreads Comparison
Coloseum - Páry a spready
Patria Forex - Spready a marže
100 Forex brokers spread comparison
MT4 brokers | MetaTrader 4 Forex brokers - by country
Forex brokers with the Lowest VARIABLE Spreads
Forex brokers with the Lowest FIXED Spreads
Below is the list of Forex brokers with Moneybookers deposit/withdrawal options
InvestTechFX Trading - 0.2 to 0.5 PIP Fixed Spread on 6 Majors + 1 PIP Fixed Spread on most FX Pairs
FORINVEST GROUP - The Leading Forex Broker
Broker CybeSearch
Become a Forex broker
White Labels and IBs
If you aren't ready to buy your own Trading platform license, you can start with an IB or a White Label solution from a Prime broker (your Clearing company).
As a White Label you'll be offering trading services under your company name.
A Prime broker will customize the interface and platforms for you, so that you'll be running under your own logo... more
Hedging under new NFA regulation: FIFO (first-in, first-out) rule
Oanda Forex Spreads Comparison
Coloseum - Páry a spready
Patria Forex - Spready a marže
100 Forex brokers spread comparison
MT4 brokers | MetaTrader 4 Forex brokers - by country
Forex brokers with the Lowest VARIABLE Spreads
Forex brokers with the Lowest FIXED Spreads
Below is the list of Forex brokers with Moneybookers deposit/withdrawal options
InvestTechFX Trading - 0.2 to 0.5 PIP Fixed Spread on 6 Majors + 1 PIP Fixed Spread on most FX Pairs
FORINVEST GROUP - The Leading Forex Broker
Broker CybeSearch
Become a Forex broker
White Labels and IBs
If you aren't ready to buy your own Trading platform license, you can start with an IB or a White Label solution from a Prime broker (your Clearing company).
As a White Label you'll be offering trading services under your company name.
A Prime broker will customize the interface and platforms for you, so that you'll be running under your own logo... more
pondělí 7. února 2011
Jak na forex?
Jak na forex?
pár poznámek při současné úrovni poznání/neznání ;o
1) základy - znalost osobní a obchodní psychologie
2) znalost základů TA
3) znalost money managementu
4) vliv zpráv - calendar
5) na demu i po demu obchodovat max mini nebo micro loty a po provedené analýze pomalu přidávat
FX - webinars
FX Club
Forex webinars
FX webinars for beginners for advanced t
Forex - webinars
Forum : First Steps
Vytořte si vlastní obchodní systém 2
Riziko automatických obchodních systémů
J&K signály
Automatické Forex obchodní systémy
AOS - obchodujeme
FX2business - Denní technické signály
Expert Advisor Programming: Creating Automated Trading Systems in MQL for MetaTrader 4
Who gives the Best Forex Trading Signals?
Top 5 Performing Forex Robots
Literatura - GoForex
The Forex Trading Course: A Self-Study Guide To Becoming a Successful Currency Trader
Online Trading Academy Professional Forex Trader Course Part 1 Book
Beat the Forex Dealer: An insider's look into trading today's foreign exchange market (Wiley Trading)
Metatrader: představení softwaru
MT4 navigational tips and techniques
FX Broker
jaké by měl mít parametry?
MB Trading
FX Pro
pár poznámek při současné úrovni poznání/neznání ;o
1) základy - znalost osobní a obchodní psychologie
2) znalost základů TA
3) znalost money managementu
4) vliv zpráv - calendar
5) na demu i po demu obchodovat max mini nebo micro loty a po provedené analýze pomalu přidávat
FX - webinars
FX Club
Forex webinars
FX webinars for beginners for advanced t
Forex - webinars
Forum : First Steps
Vytořte si vlastní obchodní systém 2
Riziko automatických obchodních systémů
J&K signály
Automatické Forex obchodní systémy
AOS - obchodujeme
FX2business - Denní technické signály
Expert Advisor Programming: Creating Automated Trading Systems in MQL for MetaTrader 4
Who gives the Best Forex Trading Signals?
Top 5 Performing Forex Robots
Literatura - GoForex
The Forex Trading Course: A Self-Study Guide To Becoming a Successful Currency Trader
Online Trading Academy Professional Forex Trader Course Part 1 Book
Beat the Forex Dealer: An insider's look into trading today's foreign exchange market (Wiley Trading)
Metatrader: představení softwaru
MT4 navigational tips and techniques
FX Broker
jaké by měl mít parametry?
MB Trading
FX Pro
úterý 1. února 2011
Trade Interceptor Forex Mobile is a MULTI-BROKER TRADING application, which is offered to traders for FREE. It includes streaming quotes & charts, push-price alerts, chart trading, technical analysis, and synchronized trading with TradeInterceptor desktop application.
With Trade Interceptor you can receive FX QUOTES and streaming CHARTS from top forex brokers on a single interface. Chart updates are made IN REAL TIME. The application is based on Push technology and therefore doesn't need any refresh to get real-time price updates on quotes and charts.
With this application you can also TRADE LIVE with one or more forex brokers, thanks to Trade Interceptor exclusive multi-broker technology and multiple accounts management features. You can either trade from the quote grid or from the charts. CHART TRADING features allow instant and accurate trade execution.
Your trading positions and orders are synchronized in real-time with Trade Interceptor FREE DESKTOP APPLICATION (which you can access with the same User Name and Password you’re using for the Android app). You will be able to set up alarms on your desktop and receive them on your mobile, and vice-versa, even if you have logged out from the app.
This application also includes technical analysis indicators, graphical tools and exclusive analytical tools such as TRENDRISK™.
On you will also have free access to Trade Interceptor Excel application, live webinars and courses, which have been designed to help forex traders maximize their trading results...
Trade Interceptor - Professional Forex Trading Platform
Trade Interceptor Desktop Video Tutorials
Trade Interceptor Forex Mobile is a MULTI-BROKER TRADING application, which is offered to traders for FREE. It includes streaming quotes & charts, push-price alerts, chart trading, technical analysis, and synchronized trading with TradeInterceptor desktop application.
With Trade Interceptor you can receive FX QUOTES and streaming CHARTS from top forex brokers on a single interface. Chart updates are made IN REAL TIME. The application is based on Push technology and therefore doesn't need any refresh to get real-time price updates on quotes and charts.
With this application you can also TRADE LIVE with one or more forex brokers, thanks to Trade Interceptor exclusive multi-broker technology and multiple accounts management features. You can either trade from the quote grid or from the charts. CHART TRADING features allow instant and accurate trade execution.
Your trading positions and orders are synchronized in real-time with Trade Interceptor FREE DESKTOP APPLICATION (which you can access with the same User Name and Password you’re using for the Android app). You will be able to set up alarms on your desktop and receive them on your mobile, and vice-versa, even if you have logged out from the app.
This application also includes technical analysis indicators, graphical tools and exclusive analytical tools such as TRENDRISK™.
On you will also have free access to Trade Interceptor Excel application, live webinars and courses, which have been designed to help forex traders maximize their trading results...
Trade Interceptor - Professional Forex Trading Platform
Trade Interceptor Desktop Video Tutorials
pondělí 31. ledna 2011
Forex Strategies
Forex Strategies
Forex Strategies Classified
Free Online Forex Trading Course
Price Action Forex Trading Strategies Tutorial
Forex Strategies Classified
Free Online Forex Trading Course
Price Action Forex Trading Strategies Tutorial
čtvrtek 20. ledna 2011
středa 19. ledna 2011
VisualTestingTools MT4
'VHands' Trading Simulator
The vHands application works together with MetaTrader 4. It implements as an Expert Adviser under the Strategy Tester function of MetaTrader 4. The visual mode of the Strategy Tester allows you to replay past data with your selected indicators on the chart. With vHands, you can adjust the replay speed, either speeding up or slowing down. You can buy, sell, buy limit, sell limit, buy stop buy and sell stop.
2. 'Learn Forex Home' Trading Simulator
This tool is similar to vHands Trading Simulator. Nevertheless, you may find Learn Forex Home Trading Simulator easier to use. With it you execute trades through a pup-up window, where you specify the target, stop and trade size. It is relatively easy to adjust the stop and target levels, which appear as two corresponding lines on the chart.
úterý 18. ledna 2011
pondělí 10. ledna 2011
How to add an Indicator to MT4
How to add an Indicator to MT4
How to add custom indicators to Metatrader 4 Charts
How to add an Indicator to MT4 - Step By Step
1) Download the MQ4 and EX4 files into your C:\Program Files\MetaTrader 4\experts\indicators folder
2) Close your MetaTrader application (assuming it’s currently open … Ignore this if the application hasn’t been launched)
3) Launch your MetaTrader application
4) On the left hand side, look for the “Navigator” window
5) Under the “Common” tab, look into the “Custom Indicators” directory
6) Locate the indicator which you have just downloaded into the folder stated in Step 1
7) Drag (Click and drag) the indicator onto the chart
How to add custom indicators to Metatrader 4 Charts
How to add an Indicator to MT4 - Step By Step
1) Download the MQ4 and EX4 files into your C:\Program Files\MetaTrader 4\experts\indicators folder
2) Close your MetaTrader application (assuming it’s currently open … Ignore this if the application hasn’t been launched)
3) Launch your MetaTrader application
4) On the left hand side, look for the “Navigator” window
5) Under the “Common” tab, look into the “Custom Indicators” directory
6) Locate the indicator which you have just downloaded into the folder stated in Step 1
7) Drag (Click and drag) the indicator onto the chart
If you only have the first part of the indicator i.e on file you will most likely need to compile it.
1) Double-click on the icon of the mq4 file to open in MetaEditor
2) Find the indicator in the indicator folder on the right hand menu-click on it
3) You’ll see the source code in the upper window
5) Click the ‘Compile’ button in the toolbar
6) If all’s gone well, you should see ’successfully compiled, 0 errors’
7) Any errors will mean there is a problem with the coding. The indicator may still work but it depends. All official standard indicators will not have any errors. The errors usually come in custom indicators
8) You should now be able to add the indicator to a chart in the usual manner
9) If you have compiled the indicator and it still doesn’t show up in the custom indicators list then you may need to restart your platform
How to add indicators on metaeditor MT4
1) Copy the MQ4 file into C:\program files\\Experts\Indicators
2) Double click the mq4 file which will bring up metaeditor.
3) On the top tool bar of metaeditor, click the Compile button.
4) Make sure you get an Ok in the "errors" window.
5) The indicator will be available in the Custom Indicators section of MT4
you "compile" the mq4, then the ex4 will appear
If you already have the Ex4, then it will go in the same directory as we put the mq4. You will not need to compile the mq4, you should just restart MT4
2) Find the indicator in the indicator folder on the right hand menu-click on it
3) You’ll see the source code in the upper window
5) Click the ‘Compile’ button in the toolbar
6) If all’s gone well, you should see ’successfully compiled, 0 errors’
7) Any errors will mean there is a problem with the coding. The indicator may still work but it depends. All official standard indicators will not have any errors. The errors usually come in custom indicators
8) You should now be able to add the indicator to a chart in the usual manner
9) If you have compiled the indicator and it still doesn’t show up in the custom indicators list then you may need to restart your platform
How to add indicators on metaeditor MT4
1) Copy the MQ4 file into C:\program files\
2) Double click the mq4 file which will bring up metaeditor.
3) On the top tool bar of metaeditor, click the Compile button.
4) Make sure you get an Ok in the "errors" window.
5) The indicator will be available in the Custom Indicators section of MT4
you "compile" the mq4, then the ex4 will appear
If you already have the Ex4, then it will go in the same directory as we put the mq4. You will not need to compile the mq4, you should just restart MT4
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